Our trip to London

A couple of weeks ago I was asked to go down to London for a meeting. This came just after I’d been lusting after Kew Gardens’ Instagram posts of its Thai Orchid Festival, which is only on for a few weeks, so naturally I jumped at the chance to tick off both boxes in one… Continue reading Our trip to London

Travelling with a baby – why it’s fine and you should do it

Last week was a really important week for me. We took Maddie on holiday for the first time to Berlin. It was important for a few reasons. One, because it was pretty much the same type of holiday we would have booked before having a baby, and I wanted to see how she fit into… Continue reading Travelling with a baby – why it’s fine and you should do it

Come to Hull, it’s not shit anymore

Yesterday the news broke that my hometown, formerly top of crappiest places to live in the UK, was now in the top ten of world cities to visit in 2016, according to Rough Guides. Puzzled? Yes. Proud? Undoubtedly. This is a city in which you can actually buy t-shirts branded with the phrase, “Come to… Continue reading Come to Hull, it’s not shit anymore

Why aims are better for you than resolutions

Did you make any resolutions this new year? Yeah? How many of them have you kept so far? I’m guessing not as many as what you made in the first place. But then again, resolutions are there to be broken. Alright, that might not be their real purpose, but it’s the purpose they take on… Continue reading Why aims are better for you than resolutions

Why Kirstie Allsopp has missed the point entirely

Kirstie Allsopp has said this week that women should skip university, concentrate on buying property, settle down as quickly as possible and ultimately have children in their 20s. I didn’t completely know how I felt about this when I read it, but now I can see that she’s missed the point entirely. In this article,… Continue reading Why Kirstie Allsopp has missed the point entirely

How long is a piece of string(‘s lifespan)?

This is a blog about a piece of string. I'll wait while you adjust your seats and get comfortable. It was almost two years to the day that I landed in Thailand; a second time backpacker with the need for adventure after a long four years of study. I'd waved goodbye to my boyfriend for… Continue reading How long is a piece of string(‘s lifespan)?

Y is for Yorkshire pudding

I've talked a lot about travel is this A-Z blog series, and all of the posts I've written have been about what I have gained from a place - the experiences, the atmosphere, friends I've made - they're all things that have allowed me to benefit from travelling. But travelling is often about exchanging things,… Continue reading Y is for Yorkshire pudding

X is for xenomania (ˌzɛnəʊˈmeɪnɪə)

Xenomania - an extreme passion for foreign culture, people or things. Yes, I had to look it up, and came across the word purely by chance in the dictionary when searching for an 'X' topic. But the topic fits, and seeing as my A-Z started off by talking about travel and foreign places, it's a… Continue reading X is for xenomania (ˌzɛnəʊˈmeɪnɪə)

O is for Oh Comely magazine

'Keep your curiosity sacred' is what the front cover says. Pinterest in a magazine is what I say. When I found Oh Comely sitting on a shelf in WH Smith in the train station, I was waiting for a friend on a delayed train and was wasting time until she arrived. I think it's probably… Continue reading O is for Oh Comely magazine

M is for Murakami

Haruki Murakami has been on the top shelf of my book collection for almost two years now (the top shelf is reserved for the ones I like the most, because alphabetical is just not cool). At that time my boyfriend and I had just began visiting each other in our home towns, a five hour… Continue reading M is for Murakami